More MPG with AMSOIL! Less Friction, Better Fuel Economy

Proven Fuel Economy with Advanced AMSOIL Motor Oils
AMSOIL Increases MPG

Fuel economy is becoming more important with each passing year. Gas and diesel prices keep rising, putting a major strain on businesses that rely on vehicles and heavy equipment in their daily operations. AMSOIL synthetic lubricants improve fuel economy by allowing moving parts to move more freely, using less energy and creating less friction than when conventional lubricants are used.

Testing Fuel Economy Where it Really Matters

The science behind fuel economy with advanced AMSOIL motor oil is simple. Less friction and drag improves fuel economy. This applies for any vehicle or equipment that has an internal combustion engine (Gas or Diesel).

Our customers report significant fuel economy gains as much as 10-15%. To better understand and standardize expected fuel economy gains AMSOIL decided to put it to test using an independent research institute. A month long test were conducted on Class 8 diesel trucks (Semi Trucks).

Semi trucks were chosen for 2 reasons. First reason is that fuel costs effect trucking industry more than any other. Secondly, if AMSOIL benefit Class 8 Trucks to save fuel, it should benefit just about any other engine.

Fuel accounts for roughly 37 percent of Class 8 truck operating expenses, and reducing fuel expenses is a top priority for truck operators.

AMSOIL is the leader in the race to develop fuel efficient low-viscosity lubricants for trucking and other heavy-duty diesel applications. Independent laboratory testing shows AMSOIL Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Oil in the engine and AMSOIL synthetics in the drivetrain provide up to 8.2 percent more miles-per-gallon than other popular lubricants provide.

For best results, use AMSOIL Synthetic 20W-50 Racing Oil for the transmissions and AMSOIL Synthetic 75W-90 Gear Lube for the drive axles along with AMSOIL Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Oil for the engine.

Latest Test Results:

Diesel Fleet Fuel Economy Study in Stop-and-Go City Conditions (G3086) (368k PDF)
The industry-standard SAE J1376 Fuel Economy Measurement Test (Engineering Type) for Buses and Trucks reveals AMSOIL synthetic lubricants can increase fuel economy in class 8 diesel trucks used in stop-and-go city driving conditions and, in this case, did by 3.15 percent.

Diesel Fleet Fuel Economy Study (G2904)
Testing completed in compliance with the industry-standard SAE J1321 In-Service Fuel Consumption Test Procedure demonstrates use of AMSOIL synthetic lubricants can increase fuel economy in short- to medium-haul diesel applications and, in this case, did by 6.54 percent.

AMSOIL Premium API CJ-4 5W-40 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DEO) Fuel Economy (697k PDF)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Test Procedure (FTP) confirms AMSOIL Premium API CJ-4 5W-40 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DEO) improves fuel economy through virtually all driving scenarios compared to conventional 15W-40 diesel oil.

AMSOIL Premium API CJ-4 5W-40 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DEO) Shear Stability (644k PDF)
Kurt Orbahn Shear Stability testing (ASTM D-6278) reveals AMSOIL Premium API CJ-4 5W-40 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DEO) maintains outstanding shear stability, even at 4 percent fuel dilution. Note: All oils were available to consumers at the time of testing. Testing completed September 2009. Test results do not represent future formulation changes.

AMSOIL Premium API CJ-4 5W-40 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DEO) TBN and Viscosity (363k PDF)
Compared with competing diesel oils, AMSOIL Premium API CJ-4 5W-40 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DEO) provided superior TBN and viscosity retention over 400 hours of severe-service operation in a refuse hauler fleet employing Navistar DT466 diesel engines, which are notoriously hard on motor oil. Note: All oils were available to consumers at the time of testing. Testing completed August 2010. Test results do not reflect future formulation changes.

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